Friday, 23 October 2009

Labour Ward

Just finished my 2 nightshifts on labour ward which were pretty good.
On Wednesday night I wasn't that tired, I was kept busy so the night flew in and it was 7.30am before I knew it.
I was looking after a lady who ended up with a forceps because of a long second stage, on top of that, the baby wasn't the sex the couple had been told at a private scan so it was a bit of a surprise for them and us. (Our unit won't disclose fetal sex on a scan because of this type of thing because people have tried to sue the hospital for getting it wrong; it's unfortunate that it is ruined for everyone else who would like to know. )

Later on I got a knock at the door to see if I wanted a delivery of a prim at 8cms. I said yes straight away as I knew I would have time to build up a bit of rapport with the woman before delivery instead of just baby catching. I had to give her a lot of support as she was quite sore, but we had a lovely delivery in the end.

Then about 6.00am a lady came in via blue light ambulance, I took the handover from the paramedics and it was great experience getting the lady settled in a room and knowing what to do. Palpate, CTG, Obs, documentation etc.

Thursday night was quieter. I was looking after a multiparous lady who came in at 8cm on last VE. I thought delivery would be pretty soon, but on VE there was a rim. Membranes were intact and bulging so they were left alone, the head was still quite high.
A few hours later, still no baby so the registrar wanted to examine and do an ARM, cue the biggest gush of liquor ever! It was all over the floor.
Baby flew down and vertex was visible right after the ARM. I got my gloves on, then asked the conducting midwife to throw an apron over my head. The babies head was delivered and I slowly slid the body out... WOOOSHHHHHHH, 100 times more liqour gushed all over me, right up to my elbows, thankfully the apron saved my top but I had to change my scrub bottoms because they were soaked at the bottom because of the pool at my feet.

The midwife laughed and said that was my initiation into 3rd year haha!!

I got 2 deliveries over those shifts so I'm on 25 now, only 15 to go !

Saturday, 17 October 2009


Following the horrendous discovery that my technophobe mother had deleted not one but TWO of my assignments last week, I'm over half way through (again) my Pain essay which has been really interesting. It's about the differences between acute and chronic pain and includes the physiological and psychosocial aspects of each.

I've loved learning about the physiology most, but the psychosocial and behavioural aspects are a massive part of my research.
I hope I never have something like chronic backpain, but working in NHS is like automatically signing up for it (despite manual handling tips and correctly following them). Assisting with breastfeeding kills my back, but that's never been taught in a manual handling course, it's always about lifting , which midwives rarely do as most women are mobile.

I just can't wait to get rid of these assignments !!!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Ahhh !!!

Really struggling to get these essay's completed. I've only written 800 of 4000 and 750 of 3000 with just 4 full days to do them; 2 study days and a sat/sun :(

Motivation please come back now !!!

Off to try and write these damn things x

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Double Modules

I'm in essay hell!!! Two assignments- 4000 and 3000 word essays due on the SAME DAY!!!

I only really another 7 full days of writing which scares the life out of me... I take ages to write essays of my usual quality.
I NEED really good marks on these, especially on the 3000 word one as it counts towards honours grade.

Oh well, better get back to it !!!